Exploring Windows 2019 Server
Here are some of the things I liked about the new Windows 2019 Server.
- Smaller, More efficient containers (50–80% savings)
Compared to Windows 2012 fully patched:
2. Better Integrated support for Linux
Exploring Windows Subsystem Linux | by Wilson Chua | Mar, 2021 | Medium
3. Better Security with:Windows Defender, Anti Ransomware features and security built-in
Windows Defender Antivirus is installed by default!
Anti RansomWare via [Controlled Folder Access]
(insert screenshots)
Attack surface reduction (ASR)
Network Protection (Smartscreen using reputation database to block traffic from reaching bad destinations) look into Settings/Windows Security Settings
Shielded VMs
Great for Domain controllers where you can restrict access to only from the console!
Hybrid Networks:
Enterprise Grade Software Defined Networking
Guest RDMA:
Transfers large data without affecting CPU https://www.dell.com/support/kbdoc/en-sg/000113009/how-to-configure-guest-rdma-on-windows-server-2019
High Performance Gateways (up to 3X faster in 2019)
Egress Bandwidth Metering:
Virtual Network Encryption:
Support for Azure cloud (backup and restores)
Windows ADMIN Center
You have to download this and install it first.
Storage Class Memory
Storage Replica
Making cloned copy at the block level for data replication
New story — Medium
Storage Spaces Direct
Clustering tech and way to build an extremely efficient and redundant centralized network based storage platform
Systems Insight
We access this from the Windows Admin Center.
Disk Deduplication
You can enable this using Powershell:
Or via the Server Manager GUI :
And here is where you can see it at work:
Disk E: contents
Settings Menu
You can do most of what we usually do with Control Panel here:
Storage Migration Service
Migrate your windows 2003,2012,2016 to Windows 2019!
I wrote a more detailed story (https://wilson-chua.medium.com/migrating-windows-2012-to-windows-2019-using-storage-migration-service-9f0b8a992964)
Software Defined Networking using Windows Server Gateway (SDN Gateway)
Article to follow.
Support for Docker and Kubernetes
(article to follow) Moby VM, LCOW (need to add windows feature: Containers)
Nested VMs
Using windows powershell:
Set-VMProcessor -VMname <VMname> -ExposeVirtualizationExtensions $true
Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VMname <VMname> | Set-VmnetworkAdapter -MacAddressSpoofing On
Hyper-V replication and Fail over
Hyper-V Virtual Networks:
“Customers want to seamlessly extend their datacenters to the cloud. Today there are technical challenges in making such seamless hybrid cloud architectures. One of the biggest hurdles customers face is reusing their existing network topologies (subnets, IP addresses, network services, and so on.) in the cloud and bridging between their on-premises resources and their cloud resources.
Hyper-V Network Virtualization provides the concept of a VM Network that is independent of the underlying physical network.”
Source: Hyper-V Network Virtualization Overview in Windows Server | Microsoft Docs
My own notes: https://medium.com/p/6a2338a9a115