Exploring Windows Subsystem Linux

Wilson Chua
3 min readMar 5, 2021

Windows Subsystem for Linux allow users to run Linux commands on a computer with a Windows operating system. Basically, WSL works as a compatibility layer for running Linux binaries in Windows 2019 systems.

The typical benefits include:

  1. Allows both Windows and Linux environments to run simultaneously.
  2. Requires less overhead resources of computer like processor, memory and storage

Which one do we use? Windows subsystem for linux? or VM with Linux installed?

discussion on quora

After installing Windows 2019, we do some preliminary steps:
a. Enable Nested virtualization on the HyperV mothernode.

b. then on the HyperV VM (VMonDiskE-02, enable the HyperV feature

We install the Subsystem via Powershell:

Download and install WSL2 Linux Kernel update package

You can also use Server manager to add the Feature:

Then go to the Microsoft Store and install the Linux distribution of your choosing. Even the most casual of users can install and be using WSL in less than five minutes.

For some unknown reason, pressing “GET” doesn’t do anything. (see: solution: “Get” button on Microsoft Store does not download Apps — Microsoft Community) you need to be logged in. (But still does not work)

Update on this issue: Microsoft Store is not compatible yet with 1809

So I revert to using powershell: (source: Windows server 2019 Linux Subsystem — Here’s how to enable it (bobcares.com)

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://aka.ms/wsl-ubuntu-1804 -Outfile ~/ubuntu.zip -UseBasicParsing

