How to Create Chlorepeth Maps on QGIS using ProjectBASS data
Our goal is to visualize ProjectBASS collected bandwidth data into a Map. With the brangay level areas color coded for median bandwidth. The output looks like this:
First we create a new QGIS project. We add in PhilGIS barangay shapefile and also use Open StreetMaps/ Stamen Terrain. Then we import the CSV file named: BASSSubmissionsOutput.csv.
This BASSSubmissionsOutput.csv is processed from Tableau using the ProjectBASS dataset. It is further processed by Tableau Prep to clean the data. Here is a screenshot of the data structure:
Once we imported the CSV file, our resulting map should look similar to this:
We may need to create a spatial index to speed up the ‘joins’ that we will be doing later. We use a tool called: Create Spatial index
Now we need to add brgyCode to the BASSsubmissionsOutput.csv. To do this, we use the tool : Join Attributes by Location
This process adds Region, Municipality, Brgy data to the BASSSubmissions layer. At this stage, we can open the BASSSubmissions layer table and see that it now has GEO codes:
We then use these added fields (specifically: Bgy_Code) for “Join attributes by field value” operation.
Then we adjust the symbology :