Using Chart App with NEO4J

Wilson Chua
3 min readJan 28, 2021

I excitedly followed Adam Cowley’s work here:

It is amazing to be able to use NEO4J output and present it in a stunning visual like this:

Here are my steps in installing and learning CHART.

My first problem was how to install it. I couldn’t find the Chart app on the Gallery. So I wrote to Adam and he helped me install it.

Here is where you can find the Chart App to install it:

From the NEO4j Desktop, expand the side bar to show the GRAPHS Apps Gallery, then scroll down until you find the “Charts” App

I copied the “Install link for neo4j sidebar” which results in this:

Go back to the NEO4J desktop and paste the copied URL link in the field and hit install:

hit install to setup Chart apps

After the install, you can now run the Chart app from this link:

Now for the good stuff. We start to use the Chart app. I click on the Charts link to get the Chart Menu:

And then after logging on, I followed the steps outlined by Adam here:

The Metric Report

First Create the query:

MATCH (n1:Person)-[r1:ACTED_IN]->(n2:Movie)
WHERE ( = $n1_name)
RETURN count(

:param n1_name: Keanu Reeves

Then i added the metric report to the Dashboard:

The result would be a dashboard with one column METRIC report :

Then I add a Table:

and this is the eventual result:

Now, a Chord Chart

My query:

Match (p1:Place)<-[]-(p:Person)-[]->(p2:Place)
return as from, as to, count(*) as value


Using the same MOVIE database, here is my attempt to create a stacked bar chart:

The output is a bit messed up tho, (the y and x-axis labels are not showing up):

